September 1, 2011

Northern Women in Chanel

A few weeks ago I remember telling you that I went to see the "Northern Women in Chanel" exhibition. However, I forgot to blog about it (as I have about so many events lately) so here comes a long overdue post about the exhibition. It was amazing, the photographs were so cool and I could have stood there and stared at them forever. After the exhibition we did a quick walk in the gift shop where I dreamed about owning the huge book with the same exhibition. The book is even more amazing than the exhibition and I love the fact that there are only 2112 copies in the entire world. I really wanted to buy it but my wallet said no so I walked home empty handed. But lucky me ended up with a copy anyway, save that story for another post.

I wore simplicity itself and added my new watch and a couple of coloured bracelets. It was a pink sky night and the museum is located right by the water overlooking Gröna Lund (theme park).

Sorry about the lack of post, it is not because of lack of material. I got lots of outfits to share with you and a lot of news in my wardrobe as well that wants a post so stay tuned. Now I am off to meet my wonderful friend Elin <3