January 8, 2014


Happy new year my loves. Or happy 2014 as I like to say :-) This is a short post which will eventually be followed by a long one. I like to get my new year resolutions down on paper, or in words, but don't know if this is the best outlet for personal promises such as get a better grip over my economy (no that does not mean cutting down on shopping, but rather other unnecessary expenses) or get a more healthy morning routine (in 2013 the routine was wake up, shower, do makeup on the bus and eat breakfast on the bus if you have time, otherwise skip breakfast)....

So I will settle for one resolution up here: have a nice day. For those who know me you know it's no secret my 2013 has been an emotional roller coaster, one that I am still recovering from, so my goal for 2014 is to make it much more stable, and have much more control. And make it good. Make every day good. Have a nice day. And I hope all my readers will, in fact, have 365 nice days this year.